Coaching with feng shui - a unique way to change your life and environment

Bazi, as chinese astrology is called, has nothing to do with planets, as does western astrology. Bazi works with the same terminology and element structure as does the Traditional Chinese Medicine and even classial managemnent asessment methods (Myers-Briggs, MBTI© etc.).
Based on your birthday, incl. hour and place of birth, I calculate a chart, showing your potential, which has manifested itself when your body was born into this world and what was your surrounding energy at exactly that time. That blueprint of life enables you to live and manage your life in certain and very specific - highly personal and individual - ways.
Get the right feng shui for you!

Let me explain this with a simple picture. If you are born in a Porsche, but you live in the middle of acres of fields, the speed car will not do you much good. You get to your full Porsche power by being on a highway. So I advise you to move there or do something to get to the faster roads. Similar, if you are born in a tractor, you are perfectly fitted for your surrounding country side energy, because the tractor is made for fields and you will be very happy there and the tractor useful.
Of course, it is not as simple as that, but it gives you and idea what I mean, when I say, with the complex Bazi method of assessing your personality and potential, I can fine tune the Feng Shui of your home or office to make the most of what you are born with.
There is very rarely really "bad" feng shui. In most cases it is the matter whether the Feng Shui fits the intended purpose of what you want to do.
There is rarely "bad" feng shui - just feng shui thats fits ... or needs improvement

With the knowledge of what you are all about, I often enter into a coaching process with the client, showing him/her that there is nothing “wrong” with him/her, but the client has certain dislikes and likes. That is part of the specific and very individual birth blueprint you have and you might as well make peace with that and be happy! Feng Shui can help and assist with that.
In business, the coaching often starts when I change office teams and the location of departments, in order to become more effective, efficient and happy in their surroundings and who they work with. That often cracks up open new potentials! In some companies that might evoke a significant change management process, which needs to be implemented in order to realize that new potential to the fullest.
Live your potential to the fullest - also in business
Of course, it is not as simple, but it gives you and idea what I mean, when I say, with the complex bazi method of assessing your personality and potential, I can fine tune the Feng Shui of your home or office to make the most of what you are born with.
With the knowledge of what you are all about I often enter into a coaching process with the client, showing him/her that there is nothing “wrong” with him/her, but the client has certain dislikes and likes and that is part of the specific and very individual birth blueprint and you might as well make peace with that and be happy. Feng Shui can help and assist with that.
In business, the coaching often starts when I change office teams and the location of departments, in order to become more effective, efficient and happy in their surrounding and who they work with. Frequewntly that cracks up open new potentials. In companies that might even evoke a significant change management process, which needs to be implemented in order to realize the new potentials to the fullest.