Your personal Kua (Lo Shu) number
There is a very simple and fast way to determine your personal good directions. That could be the location of a room within the eight segments (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest) or, if you are in any of those rooms, which is best way to face? Face means: if you are sitting at your desk, which direction do you face? If you are laying in your bed, on your back and you come up from that position - which direction are you facing looking straight over your feet? In case of the latter, I have from all my experience and research a very different view to what most books say. Most consultants and feng shui literature will tell you, that when laying down in bed, what counts, is the direction the top of your head is facing. However, in all other instances they also go with which way your eyes are facing. So, in my view, it is much more consistent, to always go with the facing direction and not in one instance with the top of your head, in other instances with what your eyes are facing. From long years of experience, my approach makes a lot more sense and has proven accurate.
The "Power Position" in Feng Shui
There are a number of direction systems available in classic and professional feng shui, such as Sang Set (room by room calculation), calculations according to your personal supporting element based on bazi (Chinese astrology) and a variety of hexagram methods. However, the most important factor is what we call the "Power Position". Always have a solid wall in your back and face door and/or windows. It is very rare indeed, that a so called compass method or a direction calculation based on your birthday is any better than the Power Position.
Only if the Power Position is not possible in your specific case, you might look at the kua or lo shu number for a good personal direction.
Important: your birthday
Enclosed you will find a list with birthyears from 1930 until 2025. In Chinese metaphysic there are three "new years". All are based on specific ways nature shows itself. The first method is based on Dung Gee, the winter solstice around December 21st/22nd each year. On that day we have the maximum yin (the night is longest) of the year and minimum yang (the shortest day). As per December 23rd the yang energy is rising, meaning daylight becomes longer by about 2-4 minutes each day. For a classical trained Imperial feng shui consultant and master this is the start of year, since the energy is rising and yang is becoming stronger day by day. Of course, that changes with the summer solstice (Ha Gee) around June 21st each year. That is the longest day and the shortest night. From there on the daylight will become shorter and the nighttime longer.
That means, if you are born on December 28th 1971, the kua or lo shu number is based on 1972, since the new year started its new yang energy on December 21st, 1971.
Chinese New Year
The much celebrated Chinese New Year is always the 2nd new moon after winter solstice (Dung Gee). Most Chinese will celebrate new year with a colorful festival. The third alternative for the start of the year is the start of spring, which is around February 4th (Lap Chun), the beginning of the tiger month. Each month has a specific animal out of the Chineses animal cycle assigned.
Some consultants work with the Chinese New Year clebration date, some with the beginning of spring, I work with the winter solstice date, because it makes energetically the most sense. My consultation experience working with this new year date (Dung Gee) also has been very good.
Look up your good direction
On the list of birthyears please look up your own birthyear. There are male and female kua (lo shu) numbers. The "5" has a special additional meaning for professional feng shui consultants, which to explain would go a bit too far into detail, so just disregard the "5". Each lo shu or kua number has four auspicious directions of which two are specifically good for rest and sleep and where your bed should face. The other two are esspecially good for activity and work, the direction your desk should face. Please note: all four directions are regarded as positive, so even if your bed is facing in a positive "desk" direction (or vice versa), it is still auspicious.
If you and your partner have opposing good directions, you settle on a compromise in your bedroom. One gets the good room direction, the other one the good facing direction in that room. Example: the man has the kua number 2, so a good bedroom for him would be in the West or Southwest. The woman has the the kua number 1, so she gets in the West or Southwest room the bed facing East or North, the auspicious directions for the Kua 1. Or vice versa, the woman gets the good rooom, the man the auspicious direction.
Auspicious facing direction ...
... for your desk
Your personal Lo Shu number
Auspicious direction
Southeast, South
Northeast, Northwest
South, Southeast
North, East
West, Southwest
Northwest, Northeast
Southwest, West
East, North
... for your bed
Your personal Lo Shu number
Auspicious direction
East, North
West, Southwest
North, East
South, Southeast
Northeast, Northwest
Souhtwest, West
Northwest, Northeast
Southeast, South