Feng Shui Consultant Mark Sakautzky - Imperial Master
Feng Shui deep down is simple: water and fire, heaven and earth, yin and yang. Nature has designed the world as simple as possible, but we have made it too complex and complicated. We have forgotten about yin and yang. We have forgotten what feels right in our heart and soul. We think in terms of budgets, maximum usage of space and have forgotten about well being and able to breathe freely in a room. As feng shui master consultant it is often my job to take complex, complicated things apart and put them back together as simple as possible. That is the essence of a good feng shui consultation. I love putting joy and happiness back into rooms, buildings and gardens for YOU to benefit. I combine ancient and well proven Feng Shui wisdom and tools with German precision and attention to detail. You will also benefit from my substantial international experience as feng shui consultant and master.
For my feng shui expertise I have been audited and been given the ISO 9001 certification for Quality Management - no other feng shui master worldwide currently carries this certification, issued by TÜV Rheinland, Germany.
Feng Shui explained
Feng Shui at home

It is not about living in pretty designer rooms! It is about putting you, your family, the people you care about in an energetic pole position. Let´s move your home, your garden, your appartment or your business in a positive power position. That way you can use your own and the surrounding energy more efficiently and productive. Feng Shui can put you in the flow of life. You flow with what IS (and not against it!), like a surfer catching the right wave at the right time in the right spot to move with no effort. Let feng shui do it for you! Be yourself and enjoy it!

Whether you live in an apartment, in a house, villa, mansion, on a farm or in a big city loft: a professional feng shui consultant can improve your overall well being. Shapes, colors, art, flowers, plant, furniture, garden and interior design all click together with Feng Shui so you and your environment benefit substantially: improve your ability to see and use better opportunities in life - timely career advancements - strengthen your health - enhance your relationships - improve family life - be more active and aware - relax at the right time.
Business Feng Shui
Feng Shui design adds quality to your interior

From calculating, designing and putting the right entrance at the right spot in a shopping mall, to recommendations how and where to put a cash register in order to make more money: as your feng shui consultant I can support you and maximize your success. Feng Shui is used worldwide for hotels, offices, shops, headquarters and public buildings. The improvements can help with customer relations, reduce staff problems, create a more healthy environment, design offices for a better work flow and achieve more productive communication methods.

Matching colours with furniture, fabrics and accessories is of prime importance for your well being, be it office or home. As your feng shui consultant I will tell you which areas to use best for the right purpose, which person (or department) is better suited to which room or in which of your favourable directions you should look, to experience more joy, be more creative, sleep sounder or generally feel better. A feng shui consultation can reshape your life. Room psychology "at work" to flow with the energy of your surroundings. Enjoy the positive effects!
Garden, landscapes & the power of outdoors
Astrology coa-CHI-ng & personality development

The power from feng shui comes mainly from nature, from the outside. There are wind, sun, moon, rain, water, streets, other buildings and people visiting you. By guiding this energy - called chi - to you properly you will greatly benefit. Feng Shui will calculate lucky entrance and door positions, advise on auspicious design features, tell you about the right lighting and helps significantly with good garden planning and special harmonious forms. You will benefit on many levels from the improved flow of chi.

Based on your birthday a complex bazi chart is calculated. It shows the potentials that life has given you this time around. It is similar to a number of respected management assessment methods, but based on a special element cycle (wu xing) that TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) also uses. This knowledge helps you to access more of your true potential by designing and adjusting the Feng Shui around you accordingly. Result: more support in your life. Bazi ist the perfect tool to complement a feng shui consultation.